To me fishing and philanthropy go hand in hand. Years ago I reached the point where, having hooked and landed enough fish myself, I gained far more enjoyment from seeing other people catch them. Don’t get me wrong, I still love to feel that tug on the end of the line but I want to share that thrill of excitement, that rush of adrenalin with others. I’ve fished all my life and picked up some pretty bad habits with casting over the years and had to work hard to improve my technique, especially with new rods and lines.
A bit like driving around the fields at home as soon as my feet could reach the pedals then having to take my driving test and un-learn all my bad habits!, Having worked at ironing out my bad habits when casting I now love to see the look of joy on someone else’s face when they start casting effortlessly.
So, standing in a river in a pair of waders might not be the most glamorous thing in the world but casting with ease, watching the world go by, alone with my thoughts until lunchtime and the social side of fishing kicks in is still my greatest my passion. Mention fishing in conversation and my heartbeat quickens and I feel I’ve found a kindred spirit! Put me in a pair of waders and a rod in my hands and I’m the happiest girl in the world. Add in a fresh run salmon on the hook and I’m into the next stratosphere! And who doesn’t want to be happy?
In these days of instant gratification, social media pressures, pressures from work, family, whatever it may be, what could be better than switching off from the world for a few hours? Lose yourself on the river, absorb yourself in the wildlife around you, take a group of friends along and enjoy one of the few timeless, healthy and escapist pastimes left to us. Fishing offers the best of both worlds, solitude with time to think in beautiful surroundings and when you return to the hut it gives you good company, lots of laughs and the making of memories. Who wouldn’t want to share in that?